Cleaning closets is an important part of maintaining storage space in your home. Some houses offer plenty of storage area, while others are very limited. Learn to make the most out of what you have by following these effective closet cleaning tips. With the assistance of a quality house cleaning service in Seattle, like Ladonna’s, you can maintain your home and maximize its uses.
Closet Cleaning Tip 1: Empty That Closet!
If you think you can pick and choose what you take out of your closet as you begin cleaning, think again. The best way to approach closet cleaning and organization is by rearranging everything. That means removing absolutely every item from the closet, whether it is in a box, hanging, or on a shelf. The room the closet is in will look a bit hectic until you are done, but that is only more motivation to complete the job.
Closet Cleaning Tip 2: Start with a Clean Slate
Next, start with a clean slate. That means not only taking everything out of the closet, but actually cleaning it. Sweep the floor with a broom or vacuum. Dust off any shelves inside as well as clothes hanging bars. It is also a good practice to move any hanging storage maximizers (such as a door mounted shoe rack) and dust these off as well.
Closet Cleaning Tip 3: Selective Organization
Be selective about the objects you return to the closet. If there are items you do not really need, get rid of them. They only make cleaning difficult and take up precious storage space. Plus, should you have a Seattle cleaning service help you maintain your clean closet, they will be better able to tidy up and vacuum inside your storage space.
Closet Cleaning Tip 4: Prioritize your Belongings
There will be some items you plan to keep, but do not need often. Other things may be seasonal needs. During the off season, move these to the less accessible places in your closet. Keep the things you will need more often closer to the door. A well organized closet is one that has all the necessities within an arm’s reach.
Closet Cleaning Tip 5: Hanging Clothes Neatly
Just because your clothing is on hangers doesn’t mean it will stay neat on its own. Organize your garments and sort them by type. If you want to get really detailed, also sort each type by color or use (such as track pants versus dress pants). As you hang the organized garments, make sure you make a point to flatten them with your hand. Folded sleeves and legs can take up space and cause creases.
Closet Cleaning Tip 6: Use Your Shelves
Avoid placing boxes and other objects directly on the floor. The first thing to do is to fill up all existing shelf space. If possible, consider installing additional shelves. These can be basic metal utility shelves. The fewer items you have on the floor the easier it will be to clean the closet later. Don’t forget that the best way to maintain your closet space and the rest of your home is to schedule regular appointments with a Seattle house cleaning service.
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